Google has announced the
results for Google Summer of Code. I am proud to announce that we got six
slots from Google. The following projects have been accepted:
(Project, Student, Mentor)
- Category Theory Module, Sergiu Ivanov, Tom Bachmann
- Density Operators for Quantum Module in sympy.physics.quantum, Guru
Devanla, Brian Granger (co-mentor Sean Vig)
- Enhancements to sympy.physics.mechanics, Angadh Nanjangud, Gilbert Gede
- Group Theory, Aleksandar Makelov, David Joyner (co-mentor Aaron Meurer)
- Implicit Plotting Module, Bharath M R, Aaron Meurer
- Vector Analysis, Stefan Krastanov, Matthew Rocklin
Join me in congratulating these students on their acceptance.
In case you don't know, Google Summer of Code is a program where Google pays
students to write code for open source projects. SymPy was accepted as a
mentoring organization this year. The goal of the program is to help the
students learn new skills, in particular in our case:
* contributing to opensource
* working with the community
* learn git, pull requests, reviews
* teach them how to review other's people patches
* do useful work for SymPy
* have fun, and encourage the students to stay around
To all the students who are accepted, you should be receiving an email from
your mentor soon to discuss how you will be communicating over the summer
about your project. You should meet with your mentor about once a week during
the summer to go over your progress. You should either meet on a public
channel (like IRC), or else post minutes of your meeting in some public
channel, so that the whole community can see your progress too.
Some of you may also be assigned a backup mentor or co-mentor. These people
will also help out in mentoring your project. If you have two mentors and one
is not available for something, or does not know the answer, you can ask your
I would like all of us to strongly encourage students this summer to submit
pull requests early and often. This will go a long ways towards making sure
that you don't end the summer with a ton of code written that never gets
merged. Students should help review pull requests by other students, so that
we don't get bogged down reviewing so much code.
We also require that all students keep a weekly blog of their work over the
summer. If you don't already have a blog, you should start one. I recommend
using either Wordpress or Blogger (I personally use and prefer Wordpress
because it has a cleaner interface and lets you do $latex math$, but I
recommend you test out both). You can also use some other service too if you
like. The only requirement is that it has an RSS feed, so we can put it on Once you have set up your blog, send me the url so I can
add it there.
Starting on the week of May 21 (when the GSoC period officially begins), We
will expect you to have at least one blog post a week, describing your
progress for that week, or something interesting about your project. If you
don't have a post by the beginning of the day on Saturday, your mentor or I
will email you to remind you about it.
I invite other mentors who have
blogs to blog as well. And I encourage all community members to follow the
student blogs, so you can see their progress.
I would like to thank all the students who applied this year and everyone who
submitted a patch. We received way more feedback this year than we ever have
before. I would also like to thank all the mentors for helping review patches
and proposals.
This summer is looking to be another very productive one for SymPy, and I look
forward to it!